


Adaptable 课程设计 (ACD) is a strategy for building courses that are intentionally flexible during large-scale emergencies and facilitate support for individual students (during individual emergencies, 以回应他们的学习目标, 并满足其他需求). 

你可以找到教职工 交流⚡直流的例子 在我们的网站上. Butte教师也可以加入我们的 Canvas 交流⚡直流资源.


ACD, like any course design, begins with an understanding of what the course needs to accomplish. Once the course outcomes are identified, you can identify the core assessments and learning. Knowing the final goal will help you identify what portions of the class can be flexible.

逆向设计 在设计课程时是否考虑到最终目标. 了解更多关于 逆向设计 范德比尔特大学教学中心.

通用学习设计(UDL) focuses on providing students options in how they interact with course content and demonstrate learning. 的se options help students engage with the course based on their strengths; they also help us design courses that are more flexible. 了解更多关于 UDL 在CAST网站上.

在线课程设计.  Adaptable courses are ones that can seamlessly pivot to the online modality in times of crisis. 有效的实践 在线课程设计 会帮助教师们建立在线上仍然有效的课程吗. Faculty who want to take their course design to the next level can also participate in the 同行在线课程评审 (POCR)过程.

现代教室工程 empowers educators to build classrooms that respond to every student’s needs. 的 现代教室项目 是教育者在实施自定进度吗, mastery-based instructional model that leverages technology to foster human connection, 真正的学习, 社会情感成长.


Instructors are the main contact students have with educational institutions and, 像这样, 在支持学生的社会情感需求方面发挥重要作用.  满足这些需求对学生的学习能力至关重要.

文化响应式教学 is a framework that helps educators understand how students' backgrounds affect their experience with our course design. 了解更多关于 文化响应式教学 来自Zaretta Hammond. 培训机会:

Trauma-Informed教育学 provides a framework for teaching based on an understanding of how trauma affects learning. 了解更多关于 Trauma-Informed教育学 从大学和研究图书馆.

有弹性的教育学 offers a comprehensive collection on the topics and issues surrounding 有弹性的教育学 framed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movements that have swept the globe.

人性化 leverages learning science and culturally responsive teaching to create an inclusive, 为当今多元化的学生提供公平的在线课堂氛围. 了解更多关于 人性化的在线学习 Michelle Pacansky-Brock的评论. 培训机会:

减少重压技术 在这个信息过载的时代,重要吗. 这 减少技术压力的教师指南 是坎迪斯·克努森写的吗. It summarizes research in information overload, cognitive load theory, digital literacy, and design. 


课程材料帮助学生学习内容. Ensuring that course materials can be accessed by all students in a variety of situations is essential to help build an adaptable course. 

开放教育资源(OER) 有一些好处,有助于适应性课程设计. 的se resources are free to students, which means that all students will have access to them.  它们有在线和印刷两种形式, 哪一个能让学生选择最适合他们的格式.  而且,教师可以根据课程内容对它们进行定制.  了解更多关于 OER 从E世博ESBALL图书馆.

可访问性. Ensure all course materials are accessible so that all students can access the resource. 了解更多 可访问性 E世博ESBALL远程教育委员会网站上. 了解更多关于 在Canvas中构建可访问的内容 来自巴特的《e世博官方网站》.

移动友好 content design helps students work on course content even when they don't have access to a laptop or desktop. 了解更多关于 Canvas中的移动友好设计 使用来自Canvas社区的清单.


评估的目的是衡量学生的学习情况.  assessments that allow students to demonstrate their learning in a variety of different ways ensures we are accurately measuring student learning outcomes.

真实的 focus on students' to demonstrate learning of core objectives in a real world context.  Focusing on 真实的评价 that are adaptable to student skills and situations will help make our courses more flexible. 了解更多关于 真实的评价E世博ESBALL的SLO网站.

适应性评估 design combines 逆向设计 with 真实的评价 to develop assessments that allow students to demonstrate their new content skills using their existing strengths. 了解更多关于 适应性评估 通过这个视频.

开放教育实践(OEP) are assessment and course design strategies that engages students as conent creators in the global knowledge community. 在这个视频中了解更多关于OEP的信息 UDL、SLO和OEP.

教与学的透明度(倾斜) provides templates and examples of how to build assignments with clear expectations and grading criteria. 这 framework can help you explain the essential components of the assignment to students and identify components that can be more flexible. 了解更多关于 倾斜 (滚动到页面底部).


的 policies in your class set the tone early in the semester (when students first read the syllabus); this is where students identify how much support they will get in the class. 的se policies will also determine the affects of emergencies on the student's grade.

A 液体教学大纲 是无障碍的吗?, 包含摘要的公共网站, 友好的欢迎视频和课程信息写在欢迎, 以学生为中心的语言. When used in conjunction with culturally responsive teaching pedagogy, the 液体教学大纲 contributes to creating a more equitable learning environment for all students. (Pacansky-Brock et al, 2020; Pacansky-Brock, 2017, 2014).

后期的工作 在危机时期,政策是最重要的. 如果我们不接受加班, students who cannot complete the work on time during an emergency miss out on that learning, 我们无法评估他们学到了什么. 考虑允许加班而不受惩罚. You could introduce limits to the number of late assignments or how late the assignment can be. 也, keep in mind that some students may not feel comfortable asking for an extension or sharing the specifics of their emergency situation.

出席 政策对生活复杂的学生的影响比其他学生更大. Consider providing course content in multiple formats, including asynchronous online options. 这不仅帮助了缺课的学生, but it also provides students with alternative modalities for learning. Providing information in multiple modalities helps all students learn but can be especially important for students with various learning and other challenges.

分级 policies can result in very different grades for students with the same content knowledge. 考虑超越传统的评分策略. 衡平法分级 by Joe Feldman provides helpful information about equitable grading strategies. 筛分析: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead) edited by Susan D. Blum提供了其他评分方法的有用案例研究. 培训机会:

学生服务 provide a wide variety of supports to help students through challenging times. 包括一个链接到Butte's 学生服务 在你们的教学大纲中.

E世博ESBALL | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
