


Quotation marks are used primarily to enclose or set off exact words. 他们 are used to indicate a person's exact written or spoken words, and in certain situations they are also used to set off words, 短语, 或者特定类型的标题. When using quotation marks, certain rules apply regarding punctuation and capitalization.

1. Use quotation marks to enclose direct quotations.

  • The direct quotation of a person's exact words, 无论是口头还是书面, 必须加引号吗.

"Don't forget to visit me in London," Martha said.

  • Do not use quotation marks around indirect quotations. An indirect quotation does not state the speaker's exact words.

Martha said that I should visit her when I am in London.

2. Use quotation marks to indicate words used ironically, with reservations, or in some unusual way.

Declaring it was a symbol of "progress," they cut down all the trees.

3. Use quotation marks to set off words used as words.

  • Words used as words are usually set off by the use of italics or underlined to indicate italics. However, enclosing them in quotation marks is also acceptable.

The words "accept" and "except" are frequently confused.

4. Use quotation marks around the titles of newspaper and magazine articles, 诗, 论文, 短篇小说, 歌曲, 电视或广播节目集, 以及书的章节或分支.

After I read "The Internet's Role in Education" in one of my educational journals, I had a much better understanding of the issues.

The class analyzed Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" and eventually agreed that there could be several interpretations.

5. When using quotation marks, certain rules apply regarding capitalization and punctuation.

  • Use a capital letter with the first word of a complete sentence of a direct quotation.

The teacher remarked, "The semester is already half over."

  • Do not use a capital letter with the first word of a direct quotation that is only part of a sentence.

Tyler asked if I would be "heading out of town on a Harley."

  • If the quotation of a complete sentence is interrupted in the middle and then continues after the interruption, do not capitalize the second part of the quotation. 用逗号隔开解释性词语.

"When it comes to cake," Jessica said, "chocolate cake takes the cake."

  • If the quotation continues with a new sentence after an explanatory interruption, use a period at the end of the interruption and continue the quotation with a capital letter where the new sentence begins.

"When it comes to cake, chocolate cake takes the cake," Jessica said. “事实上,我现在就想要一些."

  • 如果句子以引语开头, set it off with a comma from the unquoted part of the sentence unless it ends with a question mark or exclamation point. Because the explanatory words simply continue the sentence, do not begin them with a capital letter.





  • Always place periods and commas inside the quotation marks.

He said, "I enjoy working on automobile engines."

Although Lawrence had asked for "the best seat in the house," he didn't seem to notice they were seated right next to the kitchen.

  • Place colons and semicolons outside quotation marks.

戴夫回答说, "I regret I am unable to attend the wedding"; he was there, 然而, 对于整个仪式.

  • Place question marks and exclamation points inside quotation marks unless they apply to the sentence as a whole.

The clerk politely asked, "Would you like paper or plastic?"


  • 后一词组引语, 使用逗号, 一个冒号, 或者根本不使用标点符号, 取决于上下文.

Use a comma if the quotation is introduced or followed by an expression such as 他说 or 她说.

She replied, "Take it quickly before I change my mind."

Use 一个冒号 if a quotation is introduced by a full independent clause.

He feels the advice of Alexander Pope is especially relevant: "To err is human, to forgive divine."

When a quotation is blended into the writer's introductory sentence, no punctuation is needed to separate the introduction from the quoted phrase.

Marisa comes here every day at noon and asks for "a dog and a beer."

  • Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation within a quotation.

教授解释道, "Although Thoreau wrote that most men ‘lead lives of quiet desperation,' much of his writing expressed the joy in life."

6. Use indentation rather than quotation marks to set off long quotations of prose or poetry.

  • To quote more than four typed lines of prose, use indentation rather than quotation marks. Set off the quoted prose by indenting ten spaces from the left margin of your text and double space the lines. Long quotations of prose are usually introduced by a sentence ending with 一个冒号.

Thoreau exhibits this strength of will in "Civil Disobedience":

我不是生来就被强迫的. 我要按我自己的方式呼吸.
让我们看看谁最强壮. 群众是什么力量啊?
他们 only can force me who obey a higher law than I. 他们
强迫我变得像他们一样. 我没听说过男人是
forced to live this way or that by masses of men. 什么样的生活
如果那样的话? 当我遇到一个政府对我说,
"Your money or your life," why should I be in haste to give it my money?

  • 引用一首诗超过三行时, set the quoted lines off from the text by indenting ten spaces from the left margin.

William Blake's "The 双柄陶制大酒杯" begins with the lines:

双柄陶制大酒杯! 双柄陶制大酒杯! 燃烧的明亮




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